Windows 11 Update 5–Microsoft Store Updates

This is not exclusive to Windows 11, but the change in procedure for updates for Store Apps occurred when the new Microsoft Store App was released around the same time Win 11 was released.

Even though I have the Microsoft Store set for automatic updates, whenever I look, there are updates.

TO SET Automatic Updates:

Click on the Profile Icon immediately the right of the search bar at the top of the home page;

Screenshot 2021-12-12 074554

NOTE I did not put an image on the icon but it is the image I have on my Desktop – The wreck of the steamship SS Dicky which used to be on a local beach until the council removed it a few years ago. See,_Queensland

In the Drop Down click “App Settings”;

Turn on App Updates –  “Update Apps Automatically”- Set the slider to ON – by sliding right.

Screenshot 2021-12-12 073558


On the Microsoft Store App – Home Page – Click Library


Click “Get Updates”

