Upgrade to iPhone 15

I have upgraded my old iPhone to the iPhone 15 Pro.

Having recently upgraded my old Mac Book Pro to a new model, I was interested to see if Apple made upgrading an iPhone as easy as it was on the Mac Book.

It was BUT with two exceptions.

The first was with Authenticator Apps. I don’t know if it is me, but I had some minor issues . However, they were relatively easy to sort out.

The second one was down to me.

It involved Bluetooth. I could not work out why my Fitbit Versa would not sync to my new phone.

It took at least a couple of hours before the penny dropped.

The Fitbit ( as well as many other Bluetooth things) can only be connected/paired to one device at a time!

My Fitbit Versa was still paired to my old phone.

My excuse – I am old and do not understand these new fangled machines!