iPod Nano – Finally died

My iPod Nano has, after many years, finally died. The battery was still ok, but the internal memory was showing signs of trouble. It finally stopped working.

Apple stopped making the Nano in July 2017 and I bought mine well before that. (I don’t recall when I bought it, but it would be more than 5 years before 2017.) So, my Nano would be well over 12 years old – more like 15 years.

When I heard that Apple had stopped manufacturing them, I bought a spare and put it in storage for this day. Unfortunately, a friend who also used a Nano for running/hiking broke hers, so I gave her my spare.

I mainly listen to podcasts on my Nano so I guess I will now have to use the Podcast App on my phone.

The nano was a great little device. It was tiny and ideal for running/ hiking / walking or for most types of exercise. I used to have an iPod Shuffle. However, the Nano was better. It was a bit bigger, but not by that much and, most importantly, it had a screen (unlike the Shuffle).

Sony has a similar sized 8GB MP3 player called a “Walkman NWZE394B” for about AUD$200. This device is not compatible with iTunes but you can drag and drop iTunes files from computer to the Walkman.

I think I will just use my iPhone.


I just remembered – iTunes has a “Restore” function. I ran it for my Nano and it is working again.