PS4 Error Code (CE-34878-0)

Grrrrrr Playstation Grrrrrrr !!

I was 80% through Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition) when I was prevented from loading the game. An error code of CE-34878-0 came up and I tried everything to fix it – including all of the numerous fixes suggested on line.

But nothing worked.

In the end I had to do a factory reset (Initialization) AND, even though I first moved my saved games to an external drive, I still lost all of my saves. After the reset, which I might add took a couple of hours, I moved the saved games back to the PS4 hard drive. The error had been fixed and Tomb Raider loaded without a problem, but it would not pick up where I had left it at 80%. I will have to start over – GRRRRRR !!

This is the first time I have had a problem with the PS4 – but I am still complaining.

As stated in previous posts, to keep occupied during lockdown,  I have been replaying video games. So far I have completed the Far Cry series (X Box) and Uncharted (PS4) and, although lockdown is all but lifted in Queensland, I have enjoyed replaying these games so much that I have continued working through them.

I have “Tomb Raider (Definitive Edition)” on PS4 and the subsequent games, “Rise of the Tomb Raider” and “Shadow of the Tomb Raider”, on X Box.

So it is back to the beginning for Lara Croft. To make matters worse, I had been obsessive in fully completing each section before moving on, (not counting the items you can’t get at until you unlock the shotgun & rope pulley etc.), and some of those GPS things are hard to find!

I suppose it is not the end of the world but I had a bit of trouble with the part where Lara falls out of a crashed plane on a cliff and she grabs a parachute. Naturally the main chute fails and you have to guide her through the tops of trees with her reserve chute. One misjudgement and she clips a tree and gets impaled – it took me about 4 or 5 goes to get it. Poor Lara looks so bad when she gets impaled and I feel guilty for causing it.


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