Lockdown Video Games–Far Cry 3

Please refer to my previous two posts about how I am spending my time under lockdown replaying old favourite video games.

I have completed Far Cry 3 – or at least climbed all the radio towers, captured all the outposts and finished the campaign. I did not do many of the side missions as, from this weekend, the lockdown is being partially lifted in Queensland and I want to get onto Far Cry 4 and 5.

I had forgotten what a great game Far Cry 3 is! Although it is an X Box 360 game, it plays very well on X Box One.

There are no fortresses in Far Cry 3 but the outposts get more difficult to capture as you explore the map, particularly the ones on the second island with multiple alarms and “Heavies” among the defenders. Also, unlike the subsequent games, you don’t get told how many alarms there are and the difficulty rating of an outpost.

My method is to find an observation position and tag as many defenders as I can see and note the number of alarms and the positions of the alarm boxes. My next task is to shoot out the alarm boxes with a silenced sniper rifle so that they cannot call for back up. Then, still with the silenced sniper rifle, I pick off as many defenders as I can before they become aware that they are under attack. Although, in cases where it is not possible to get a clear shot at each alarm box, I resort to the easier method of sneaking in and disabling all the alarms at once via interaction with one box.

But it is now onto Far Cry 4 with one of the best villains in any game – Pagan Min.