Video Games : Far Cry – Controller Sensitivity Problems – X Box One Backwards Compatible

Refer to my last post “Lockdown-Video Games”.

I finished playing the Uncharted series and decided to start the Far Cry series.

I have the disks for 5 Far Cry games and a digital version of “Far Cry New Dawn”. I started with the first game “Far Cry Instincts Predator” but I did not buy “Far Cry Primal”.

The disks for the first 3 are for X Box 360 but all are on the list of Xbox One backwards compatible games.

However, the first two (Far Cry Instincts Predator and Far Cry 2) are almost impossible to play on X Box One due to issues with controller sensitivity. I set sensitivity at the lowest point but it does not make any difference. An internet search revealed that this is a well known problem with no solution.

I was really looking forward to playing these games again, but I have no choice but to start at Far Cry 3. Luckily I kept my old X Box 360, so I will have to get it out and set it up if I want to play the first two.

Far Cry 3 (also on a 360 disk) works as it should.

In the meantime I am getting back into Far Cry 3 and, if memory serves me correctly, the best weapon for me is a silenced sniper rifle. So far,  I have climbed 3 radio towers to earn the sniper rifle but I need to get a silencer and additional weapons slots before I venture out further in the map.

These are great games and, as with the Uncharted series, the on-going improvement in the quality of the graphics is dramatic. The same thing applies for the Artificial Intelligence (AI). The enemies in the first games are really dumb, but AI continually improves so that by the time you get to Far Cry 5, I recall that the enemies are really smart and don’t give up easily in chasing you down.